Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My sweet babies....

Just a little update....the kids are still the cutest ever:) Really....Camdyn loves to talk. She has not got into the question stage yet. I actually think that she has past it up completely. She will ask a question, only to get you ready for her answer. She always knows the "right" answer. She asked the other day, "what's that noise?' I said "a woodpecker". She responded, "no...not a woodpecker. They are buildin' a house over there. They are hammerin!" So silly!

Crosby is now everywhere! He began crawling last week and has since been covering the house. It is a whole new world for Camdyn. She has found that none of her toys are safe. There has been alot of "No Crody...that is mine!" There is never a dull moment!

Camdyn is getting really good at her forward rolls!

Playing in the water table.....it is just too hot!
Dr. Mangum..

Ooh-la-la..... ready for the pool!


Love these kids!!

Playing babies!!

The hit of the summer...popscicles!

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