Monday, May 2, 2011

First Purchase...

Camdyn has been saving money in her piggy bank for the last couple of weeks. We explained to her that after she saved up her money she could purchase something. So she decided that she wanted a kitty cat! Randall's BOA just so happened to have several kittens that turned 6 weeks old this weekend. So we told Camdyn that if she kept saving her money she could buy a kitten. She was so excited and would talk about buying her kitty everytime she saw her piggy bank!

She received money by helping to pick up gumballs in the backyard a (penny per gumball), and doing chores around the house (she would get paid depending on how many stickers she had at the end of each day)!

What?!? You want me to give my piggy bank away?

I then explained that we were taking it to go buy her kitty...
It has all set-in!

It was LOVE at first sight....

She would take it for a walk and ask it if it wanted to walk. She would then set it down and if it took more than 3 steps she would pick it right back up!

She kept saying, "it's so cute, so little!"

Poor will never be the same!

Putting her kitty in the carrier to take home. She kept asking on the way home.."where is my kitty?"

She loves that cat. She always has to hold it. We asked her what she wanted to name it and she said, "Camdyn Reece Mangum!" We told her that it was a boy and she was a girl, so she has decided on: Crosby, B-I-N-G-O (she sings that song all the time, but she changed the lyrics on her own to ..had a cat") and Lisa (don't ask why...we do not know any Lisa's!) Please pray that there are no injuries to this cat in the near future:)

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