Friday, April 29, 2011

Mee-Maw's 80th birthday!

Two weekends ago, we were able to go to Waco to see many of Randall's family to celebrate his Mee-Maws 80th birthday. We were able to see his sister and their new little baby boy,too! Camdyn loved playing with all of her cousins that she had never met. We had a wonderful time and cannot wait for everyone to get together again.

Watching the kids hit the pinata!

Waiting in line for the pinata...

She was very concerned why anyone would want to hit something so pretty!
Camdyn loved her cousin, Noah! He was so sweet to her. I told her during this picture to be careful and Noah said, "It's o.k. she is only a little girl!" Then he just let her climb all over him. What a sweetheart!

A group shot of all the great-grandkids...notice Noah hugging Camdyn!

Singing to the birthday girl!

Tammy gave all the kids confetti eggs. The kids had a blast....

Camdyn just let everyone break the eggs over her head. If she would break one on your head she would immediately clean it off!

Swinging with Noah.

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