Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our tough little girl!!

Well...last Friday Camdyn was jumping on the trampoline and bounced to high and landed on her knee. She began to cry and asked me to hold her and let her go to sleep. I new something was not right, but my brother and our Dr. both said that even if something was broken or she hurt a ligament they would tell her to just take it easy and stay off of it for 48 hrs. (the weekend). The Dr. said that if she was not walking on it by Monday then come in for an x-ray.

Over the weekend she was trying to walk on it, but could not put any weight on it because it was so "wobbly" in her words. She would however crawl around everywhere. So we went to get an x-ray on Mon. The Dr. asked Camdyn if she thought that she could walk on it, of course she said yes. He put her down and she took 2 steps and then she just collapsed into tears (poor baby)!

I called my brother who was hunting in Canada at the time and told him that we got an x-ray. So he had the x-ray sent to his partner at Bryan Radiology to help speed up the process. He called me within the hour to tell me that she had a buckle fracture. It is not a complete break, but they explained it like plastic bending. It was near the growth plate so we had to go to an orthopedic doctor.

She did really good all weekend. We were so proud of her. She was excited to have all of the attention when she got her cast, but when we got home she began to rub her leg and told us in an excited voice, "it feels all better now...we can take off the cast!" Hopefully the 4 1/2 weeks will go by quickly!!

So excited to go get her cast on!!! we go for 4 weeks!

She picked out hot pink of course!

First time signing the cast! She signed it as well...I will get more pictures of that soon!

What we do to pass time!!!

Ready for bed!

Posing with her new socks!!

She is doing great so far! She is already crawling and trying to walk around! The Dr. said in about 2-3 weeks she will probably be walking around everywhere with the cast on!

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