Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a great Halloween this year! We went trick or treating house to house for the first time this year! Camdyn was excited, but no words can express the look on her face after she got candy from the first house! She was hooked to say the least! She walked away with her chest held high like she was big stuff!!

His shirt says that he will trade his sister for candy:)

My lil' pumpkin!
This picture is taken right before Camdyn put her arm out so that the bird could stand on it. The owners failed to tell us that the birds do not like kids....so the bird took a large bite out of Camdyn's arm. She was so tuff! She did not even cry!


Typical picture for us....Camdyn could careless about what is going on and Crosby always laughs at us!!


I posted this one because he just looks so big walking around with his little pumpkin!

Our lil' mermaid! She watched "The Little Mermaid" for the first time a couple of months ago and just had to be a mermaid!

You better watch out....this lil' guy is on patrol:) Ha Ha!!

Ready for a fun-filled night of trick or treating!

Her first stop.....she was so happy! She kept smiling and looking at the candy in her bucket!

She loved going to each house! She wanted to run, but her tail kept getting in the way!

The state trooper went to one house and they gave him some fruit snacks. He walked away very proud of his treat. Then he set them on a table and went back to the same guy and pulled on his basket. So the man gave him another (of course laughing the entire time) and he did the exact same thing again and again!!

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