Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Visit with Family...

In true "Janet Fashion" here are a million photos over the past couple of weeks.

Camdyn loves to go in and get Crosby when he wakes up in the mornings!

My brother got a new pool and we have been swimming over at their house! Camdyn is practicing her cheerleading moves!
This kid loves to be thrown!


Playing with "Kaci-boy"!

Jumping off of the grotto! Camdyn climbed up about 20 times!

Camdyn swimming all by herself!! She is getting so big!

Surfer dude!

No...he did not jump:)

Camdyn loved to push the girls off of the ledge into the pool!

Round 20...

Lovin' on each other!

My dad had baby pigs at the ranch and Camdyn loved them. My dad set her in one cage thinking she would just stand there and before he knew it she had one of these pigs in a head-lock trying to take it home with her!

Randall's parents came up for a visit and we went to the Houston Children's museum. I am going to have to steal some pictures from John because I did not get very many! Crosby found a little friend. He loved to kiss that handsome lil' boy in the mirror!

Climbing on the 5 story maze...


Rock wall climbing..Pulling herself up off of the ground...

Eating a pickle and liking it!


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