Saturday, April 9, 2011

How big a boy are ya? or girl?

This past week we went for both of the kids well visits. It was almost a month after there scheduled appt., but with all of the moving I did not know where to take them to be seen!! We love our new Dr. He spent almost 30 minutes just visiting with us and getting to know each kid. Here are the results: Camdyn (2 yr) weighs in at a whopping 28 1/2 lbs (75%) and is 36 1/4 in. tall(95%)! Crosby(4 1/2 months) weighed in at 16 lbs 9.5 oz (90%) and is 26 1/2 in. tall (90%)!

They both did great during the shots too. We make sure to explain to Camdyn how it will feel, even going as far as to pinch her! She just watched the needle go into her leg and then asked if she could go play! Crosby was all smiles during the first shot and then during the 2nd his lip started to tremble. He let out a cry until the nurse looked at him and asked if he forgave her and he let out a smile...the end!!

She loves him!!

Camdyn loves to get "checked out" by the Dr. She had to be seen first and told the Dr. what all he needed to do. She told him" check my heart" and she grabbed his stethoscope! Crazy kid! Mr. smiley pants.....he smiled and talked the entire time. During parts of his visit it was hard to hear the Dr. over his babbling!

Poor baby!

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