Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Whirlwind...

The past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind! After Camdyn's birthday party we went to Troup to pack up our house. The movers came on Monday and took our things to storage. We have been living with my parents and Randall has been staying with my brother. Hopefully we will have a place next week to call home!
Within the past two weeks, the kids have begun to do many new things. Camdyn uses the word "actually" all of the time. Our conversation yesterday went something like this: Me: "It is a beautiful day, isn't it Camdyn?" Camdyn: "Actually, a little cold!" She has become very bossy and thinks that she knows everything! (Isn't this supposed to begin when she turns 13?!?) She has started to correct me when I explain something to her. She will begin by saying, "Actually..."! She is too funny!
Crosby is doing great on tummy-time. He can keep his head up for a good 10 minutes without getting tired. He has almost rolled over several times and we now can get him to giggle out loud! Too cute! Sorry I posted tons of pictures...I will try to keep up next time!

Camdyn began an obsession with this baby doll. It eats, sleeps and plays with her! My daddy named her Pete so that is what we are going with!!
My handsome 4 month old!
Practicing rolling over..
Camdyn loves to play with him during tummy-time!
Swinging with Pete! Camdyn put Pete on the swing all by herself! We usually are not allowed to touch Pete!
Sliding with Pete..
Driving the 4 wheeler with Pete..
Letting Pete slide..
Petting the horses on our nightly walk..
Playing Dr.
more 4 wheeler..

Silly girl..

This little guy is always smiling!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for your sanity during the move...I know getting into a new house with two kids can be a tough thing!!! GOOD LUCK!! The kids are ADORABLE!
